Advanced Training in Whole Systems Consulting


Whole Systems Consulting: Advance Practice Workshop

As current Vice-President of the A. K. Rice Institute for the Study of Social Systems (AKRI), I am excited to also be a member of the Whole Systems Consulting program committee. In November, AKRI is holding a three-day training designed specifically for a 12 experienced organizational consultants to advance their work by learning to apply their Group Relations Conference experience or academic work in their current consulting practice. Participants will practice our distinctive methodology to unlock and transform the unconscious dynamics through personal learning, systematic understanding, and organizational change to save clients time, money, and human energy.  Our renown faculty will bring their decades of experience across diverse organizations and industries to a only a dozen participants, each of whom will receive individual coaching and feedback on their skills, as well as on their consulting practice.


Veteran OD consultants Mark Kiel and René Molenkamp will facilitate. Mark is Board certified in Organizational and Business Psychology and the author of The Tavistock Learning Group: Exploring Outside the Traditional Frame.  René, is an AKRI Fellow and co-founder of Group Relations International, with over 20 years of Group Relations experience. He works as a leadership consultant for the International Institute for Management Development in Switzerland and teaches at the School of Leadership and Education Sciences at University of San Diego. 

November 2017 in Chicago

Whole Systems Consulting has a 70-year history of driving breakthroughs in high pressure environments like the military, hospitals, and the Silicon Valley. Join us in November to learn how. Limited seating and discounts remain. For details and to register, visit For more information, email, org or contact me for more information.